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Accreditation of Foreign Media

Foreign newsmen and journalists visiting the Philippines in pursuit of their profession are required to apply for a temporary visitor’s visa (click here for requirements). The following are additional requirements for visa application of foreign newsmen, journalist, cinema/television groups:

  1. Curriculum vitae of newsmen/journalists;
  2. Shortlist of work credits;
  3. Copy of one (1) sample article written by the applicant;
  4. Background of media organization, including target market/audience, circulation, format; and
  5. Administrative arrangements for the work in the Philippines, as follows:
    1. List of members of the reportorial team, nationality and passport details;
    2. Planned itinerary and activities, with storyline for any films to be made;
    3. List of equipment to be brought by each team member, with certification from the media organization that said equipment will be re-exported at the end of the trip to the Philippines;
    4. Flight details (arrival and departure); and
    5. For each team member, one (1) photograph, sixe 1″x1″, to be submitted to the International Press Center (IPC) for the issuance of accreditation card.

Upon arrival in the Philippines, the newsmen/journalists will have to report to the IPC for accreditation.
List of Requirements for Documentary Filming Group

List of Requirements for New Reporters/ TV Crews/Photographers

International Press Center 2012 Accreditation Form



Frequently Asked Questions



The Consulate General informs the public that it will be closed on:

04 July 2024 (US Independence Day)

For those with Consulate Emergencies or Inquiries kindly contact us here:

Thank you for your patience and cooperation


From May 15, 2019, the Consulate cannot authenticate the signatures on the following public documents:(1) notarized documents and (2) documents signed/issued/certified by a Federal, State, County, City, University or School Official.

The change is due to the Philippines officially becoming a party to the Apostille Convention.

For more information, visit our Authentication webpage here.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Track your Document, Passport Here


Filcom Organizations registered with the Consulate